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Pr.Lee's team develops AI-based mobility hub optimal location selection methodology

구재연 | 기획과 | DATE : 2024-06-13

- AI-based approach to building a Korean 15-minute city

- Research results published in Nature Scientific Reports

Professor Lee's research team from the Department of Transportation Engineering at University of Seoul(UOS) announced that they have developed an AI-based optimal location selection methodology for mobility hubs in collaboration with Dr. Yee Van Fan from Oxford University in the UK. The study was published in the SCI-level international academic journal Nature Scientific Reports under the title, 'Locating Carbon Neutral Mobility Hubs Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques'.

The study consists of a three-stage methodology that combines genetic algorithms, ensemble learning techniques, and post-evaluation. This approach comprehensively considers various social and environmental factors and urban traffic characteristics to suggest optimal locations for mobility hubs and evaluates their socioeconomic contributions.

▲ 3-step framework for determining and evaluating the optimal location of a mobility hub

According to the research results, the installation of a mobility hub will reduce vehicle travel distances by an average of 770,000 kilometers per day, which is expected to lead to social benefits worth 300 billion won per year, including improved air quality and reduced travel times. These results suggest the possibility of strategically solving complex urban and transportation planning problems using advanced AI technology.

▲ Results of the Optimal Location of Seoul’s Mobility Hub

In addition, this study suggests the possibility of being applied not only to Seoul but also to various large cities around the world. Professor Lee said, “The optimal location of the mobility hub reviewed by AI can be applied to the Korean 15-minute city where public transportation plays an important role.” He added, “We will continue to design the Korean 15-minute city through international cooperation with various fields such as cities, environment, and landscaping.”

Professor Lees team from the Department of Transportation Engineering at Seoul City University from left Professor Seungjae Leeleft Postdoctoral Researcher Madiha Bencekri Researcher Sion Kim and Oxford Universitys Dr Pan Yevan
▲ Professor Lee's team from the Department of Transportation Engineering at Seoul City University (from left, Professor Seung-jae Lee(left), Postdoctoral Researcher Madiha Bencekri, Researcher Si-on Kim, and Oxford University's Dr. Pan Ye-van)

The research team included Dr. Madiha Bencekri, Postdoctoral Researcher at the Department of Transportation Engineering at UOS, as the first author, Professor Lee as the corresponding author, and Researcher Si-on Kim  and Oxford University's Dr. Yee Van Fan as co-authors.

It is expected to contribute to solving complex urban planning problems and building a sustainable urban environment through an innovative approach that applies AI technology.