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Objective: The main goal of our health service is to provide the motivation of “healthy campus life, pleasant medical condition, equal opportunity,” and to achieve these goals we have been pursuing professional and practical health management business for both students and faculties. Presently, our campus health center is in convenient location on 2nd floor in main building and is fully equipped treatment room and recovery room. Specifically, followed by the original meaning of public health work, every medical provision fee is free. About us: Along with the fundamental goal of medical work, the campus health center is divided into treatment, emergency, Health education · Health consultation and PR etc.. The details are as following:

Treatment (What we do)

Treatment is consisted of traumatic injury and medication, health management, early discovery of disease, request to the hospital, and consultation. Specifically, the internal medical specialist is available on every Wednesday (including, during the vacation time).

Emergency Work

the goal of emergency work is first aid when campus medical emergency happens and prompt transfer to the hospital. We are constructed complete system of patient transferring plan and the network of hospital. Moreover, we fully support emergency medication for official on/off campus event to the student and the staff and also give broader opportunity using by first aid kit.

Health education

This is all year around work and we offer to conduct measurement of blood pressure, blood sugar test, and obesity test. Special works required detecting and controlling the disease in earlier stage, and as a part of it, we conduct X-ray for tuberculosis test and giveaway vermicides during the spring and the fall for health center visitors.

Health consultation

the key for health consulting work is early detect and early treatment. To do so, our health center’s door is opened to everyone during our working hours, and we continue to educate &advertise people for health wise throughout campus media. Location of Student Health Center:


Student Bldg. 2F

Working Hours

Mon ~ Fri : 09:00 ~ 18:00 (Launch time – 12:00 ~ 13:00)

Medical Procedure

You must bring your student I.D or other official government Issued I.D when you visit. Treatment is free of charge.

Campus physician available

On 1st, 2nd weeks Wednesday and 3rd, 4th weeks Tuesday of the month between 14:00 ~ 16:00 in the afternoon. (However, the fifth week and vacation periods not care)